EAW WW1 Theatre

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EAW WW1 Theatre

Post by Moggy »

Our new friend EdLaz, was asking about the EAW WW1 theatre.

This is it from Jelly's standard EAW 1.6 download:











Laurent Vogel's posts on the Facebook European Air Wars Flight Sim Group are also worth a look.
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Re: EAW WW1 Theatre

Post by EdLaz »

Thank you Moggy and from what I see in the image captures, it is during the last years of the great war that, disappointingly, I expected something more complete from 1914 to 1918 and it would be too much to ask for there to be airships
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Re: EAW WW1 Theatre

Post by Moggy »

This is the 1.6 aircraft inventory I have for WW1. As you can see there is a zeppelin:


There are others, including those made by Laurent Vogel.

A lot of work was done on this theatre a few years back. It was not universally popular amongst EAW modders (and Ray Otton may have a few words to say about this), and there were problems, in particular adopting the EAW flight model intended for WW2 era planes to the much slower WW1 era aircraft.

But some had fun with it.
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Re: EAW WW1 Theatre

Post by rotton50 »

Yeah, there's two big problems which made me adamant about not trying to adapt a WWII flight sim to WWI.

One, none of these models render properly with wheels and interplane struts showing through wings. I believe you don't see them in the still shots because the original posters took screenshots that masked the errors. The good news is I found a way to fix these errors on the early WWII biplanes and I could use the same method for the WWI planes.

Two, the flight models are either wildly inaccurate or nonexistent. I know a lot more about flight modeling than I did ten years ago and I think I could make them work (except the Zeppelin, that one might cause some hair pulling and I'm almost out of hair)

I also didn't like the fact that even ten years ago we were a shrinking community, so following this path would have split our dwindling modder resources..................and I was correct. We left a lot of WWII scenarios unfinished because of the defections to the WWI project.

Be that said, they sure do make pretty models and, with the advances Mr. Jelly made with muilt-skins it would be possible to have those mixed squadrons that really spice up the visuals (Especially the Germans).

Also, I'm about tapped out on producing more WWII aircraft. I think about 1500 ought to do. What I'm saying is I could be prodded into a new project if there is even a modicum of interest.
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Re: EAW WW1 Theatre

Post by EdLaz »

Well, 1500 aircraft to do that's a lot material but if you are interest in the near future i could provide some help but i don't how to modding the game in any way but i can provide you with characteristics and images of the plane
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Re: EAW WW1 Theatre

Post by rotton50 »

Sounds like a collaboration might work.

My weak point is graphics. Not how they function in the game but actually producing decent images. With a little coaching I should be able to get you to do the screens and maybe some skins. I could then concentrate on the 3d models and the flight characteristic.

Any info on the flight characteristics would be appreciated so I don't have to go hither and non all over the internet looking for data.
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Re: EAW WW1 Theatre

Post by EdLaz »

Yes it is a collaboration and calm, try to bring all the relevant data and images to the plane
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Re: EAW WW1 Theatre

Post by rotton50 »


Couple of questions.

Is there a separate D/L for the WWI setup? I'd like to avoid another full D/L of Jel's 1.6. I don't have it in mine because I deleted it, thinking I'd never need it.

Are there other WWI models out there in EAW world besides the one's in Jel's D/L?
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Re: EAW WW1 Theatre

Post by Moggy »

I have a separate WW1 download which Jelly made, failing which I can make one from the 1.6 WW1 setup I have.

I think there are other WW1 planes around - see Laurent Vogel's posts on the EAW Facebook page. If you're going to do this might be worth trying to get him involved.
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Re: EAW WW1 Theatre

Post by rotton50 »

Moggy wrote: Sat Feb 01, 2025 3:41 pm I have a separate WW1 download which Jelly made, failing which I can make one from the 1.6 WW1 setup I have.
That would be great.
Moggy wrote: Sat Feb 01, 2025 3:41 pm I think there are other WW1 planes around - see Laurent Vogel's posts on the EAW Facebook page. If you're going to do this might be worth trying to get him involved.
I'll take a look at the page, thanks.

My only concern is that some of these modders take issue with what I have to do to the models to get them R/S compliant. That's why I used to wait until the models were posted for use. At that point I could do what I want under SEWAC's rules.
However, I'll look and if there's anything worth pursuing I'll approach him about a collaboration.
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Re: EAW WW1 Theatre

Post by Moggy »

I'll do the necessary for a download.

Looking amongst my stuff I seem to have acquired a DH2 which is apparently not finished, and RE8 CIII which are not in the list posted above.

I'll put everything I have in a package for you.
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Re: EAW WW1 Theatre

Post by Moggy »

Okay Ray, three zips in your folder.

TWFTheatre.zip is my WW1 setup for 1.6. This is mostly Jelly's WW1 setup for 1.6.

128C 1914-18 Western Front 1.28c Basic Beta.zip is the original plane setup from the very first WW1 setup for EAW 128C.

Other WW1 planes.zip is the few other WW1 planes I've picked up along the way.
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Re: EAW WW1 Theatre

Post by rotton50 »

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Re: EAW WW1 Theatre

Post by rotton50 »

Not there yet but quite a bit of progress.

I have the planes skins and FM's sorted by Allied / Axis so they fit in the standard protocol.

I can run the game with either "WW1 with ETO terrain" or "WW1 with matching terrain". Not sure
what the difference is because the terrain looks the same but in any case i haven't had any CTD's like I did with the Balkans scenarios.

I have the correct selection screens but won't know if the hangar screens are correct until I set up the planes, (see below)

I do not have the correct main map. The game runs and I see the targets on the map with a frontline but the line is over in England on the default EAW map.

I do not have the correct planes. When I try to select them from one of the three planesets provided they do not show up on the PSM program's left have pane. This is minor as it probably has something to do with how the planesets were written. I can handle fixing this one myself.

We're close.

ALso, I found Laurent Vogel's stuff through the EAW FB page but I can't D/L any of it because I'm not a member of CombatAce. Any chance you are?
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Re: EAW WW1 Theatre

Post by Moggy »

ALso, I found Laurent Vogel's stuff through the EAW FB page but I can't D/L any of it because I'm not a member of CombatAce. Any chance you are?
I am, but for some reason my download quota is fixed at 1 KB/day. I have asked why.

T WW1 Europe BHawk.zip now in your folder is Blackhawk's original WW1 terrain.

WW1Targets.zip now in your folder is the original targets setup from 128C.

WW1Screens.zip now in your folder is the pcx files for the 128E version of The Western Front.

... and in case it's of any use I have a collection of WW1 gun & engine etc sounds.
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