Midway upgrade-Theatre layout

To upgrade the 2001 Midway addon
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Midway upgrade-Theatre layout

Post by Moggy »

This diagram shows the locations in the new Midway theatre:

Last edited by Moggy on Tue Jan 23, 2007 6:20 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by Moggy »


Only the following atolls will be needed for the Midway upgrade, so not all the stuff I sent you will be relevant:



I suspect there was a rough airstrip there only in 1941.

Pearl & Hermes Reef


No airfields and virtually no habitation. though a big area of sandy flats.

Lisianski Island


A low, flat sand and coral island, about a mile and a quarter long , north and south, by three-quarters of a mile wide. This looks like it ought to have had an airfield, but it seems it never had because since the early 20th century it's been a bird sanctuary.

Byer Island

Can't find anything for this at the moment.

Krusenstern Rock


Massachaussets Island


Laysan Rhys Reef (Laysan Island)


1.6 nm long with a serious salty lake in the middle. Another bird sanctuary, and as such no airfield.



You're already underway on this. But note the limited extension of the wartime airfield as in the map opposed to the more recent picture.

The un-named islands still remain without a name.
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Post by Shreck »

How many tiles large do you want the carrier groups,seaplane tender groups,and the main Jap.Fleet ,minesweeper group,seaplane tender group,occupying force,and the second fleet cov. force?
I ask as their are a total of fourteen land/sea objects not including straight sea tiles.....
If each Atoll were to take 4 tiles each 4X14=48 tiles leaving what 21 tiles?
21 tiles,less BNWater=20,20/8=2.5 tiles for each "target zone"
In reality I am guessing scaled properly the islands/islets/atolls wont actually require 4 tiles each,some will do fine with a single tile! Image
what exactly is the maximum count on useable tiles now?
also,bp tiles,are we at a fixed amount on them? has anyone attempted to incorporate more into the exe for a more PAWlike theater?(not even sure if PAW had islands,let alone landable ones as I never have played it :roll: )
Also,in Midway I have notice the "spent cartridge" TMOD in place of the trees and forests......is there now,enough knowledge and manipulability possible to completely use those TMOD slots for other ground TMODs that would then be placed on the selected tiles as eye candy?
Hmmm,more ship types in the conflict?..........
.........or say, a tent and a ground aircraft on one of the tiny "emergency airstrips",or 50 gal drums or crates(singles,doubles,triples) on the Midway and any other inhabited atoll or airstrip?
Anyway,just fishing for knowledge I lack here,and because I already have French frigate shoals(I use the "worst first" theory :wink: ) nearly done,and its no longer on the list...... :roll:
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Post by Shreck »

French Frigate shoals Alpha test......
Wake next......
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Post by Moggy »

French Frigate Shoals looks quite fabulous. I'll see if I can stretch the geography a bit more and get it in!

How many tiles large do you want the carrier groups,seaplane tender groups,and the main Jap.Fleet ,minesweeper group,seaplane tender group,occupying force,and the second fleet cov. force?

Only the carriers will require to stand on a tile that has disguised "hard standing" so only one tile need be dedicated for that purpose. The other ship groups can stand directly on water tiles.

So the only tiles that are required for purposes other than making atolls and islands are the original water tile and the carrier tile. The others are available.

The only tiles that have BP overlays are the 23 original tiles that have water areas - the coastal and river tiles, so use all of those first for making atolls and Islands. If we need more, and it looks like we will, we'll just have to use non-BP tiles. That just can't be helped.

Re Tmods - yes - Midway was done before I cracked open EAW_ttd.dat, so I can make a new file that entirely gets rid of the trees etc, and all those objects can be recycled for something more useful. We have the ships package Col G liberated from PAW and can recyle some of the other PAW Tmods like the tents that Geo liberated from PAW long since.

Many thanks for all your work Shreckie, much appreciated.
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Post by Shreck »

The only tiles that have BP overlays are the 23 original tiles that have water areas - the coastal and river tiles, so use all of those first for making atolls and Islands. If we need more, and it looks like we will, we'll just have to use non-BP tiles. That just can't be helped.

Has anyone tried to modify the exe to allow for more of them?say,the majority of tiles?
French Frigate Shoals looks quite fabulous. I'll see if I can stretch the geography a bit more and get it in!

I wont lose any sleep if it cant be stuffed in,I am halfway through the alpha Wake right now,hope to have screenshots up by sunday evening!
Re Tmods - yes - Midway was done before I cracked open EAW_ttd.dat, so I can make a new file that entirely gets rid of the trees etc, and all those objects can be recycled for something more useful. We have the ships package Col G liberated from PAW and can recyle some of the other PAW Tmods like the tents that Geo liberated from PAW long since.

I was under that impression,so thats great....subs,more land objects,other types of ships.....ah,the possibilities are endless....
also,I have noticed that the wingviews on the B-26 are crap.... :roll:
Is the B-26 theater correct?In the Midway scheme I would have imagined the A-20 or B-25 to be more realistic.....then again,if I would take the time to read all of the threads on this forum I might know more....so if this is explained elsewhere in this forum,please disregard
Many thanks for all your work Shreckie, much appreciated.

Not a problem Moggy,though I keep putting other things further back on the "to-do list" :wink: I do get a huge kick out of being able to do this stuff! Even if I dont ever finish everything I want to! :roll:
I suppose thats the traditional story of the EAW modder :lol:
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Post by Moggy »

s the B-26 theater correct?

Yes, definitely. See here:



I have noticed that the wingviews on the B-26 are crap

Yes. This was 2000 stuff, when even the idea of bomber cockpits was new. The wing view such as it is was a throw-together by me to have some thing. We can do better now of course.

Has anyone tried to modify the exe to allow for more of them?say,the majority of tiles?

This is difficult. In effect no space to add any more filenames in the relevant exe section.
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Post by Shreck »

Kure Atoll...
Pearl and Hermes,Lisianski,Laysan Rhys reef,and Wake coming soon!Image
S!......Shreck :wink:
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Post by Moggy »

Schreckie - I shall call you Slarti Bartfast from now on - wizard maker of atolls

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Post by Shreck »

Schreckie - I shall call you Slarti Bartfast from now on - wizard maker of atolls

Me? the maker of fjords? :shock: nah,the maker of coral reefs and rocky crags maybe :wink:
but thanks for the complimentImage !.
so,heres the next couple for inspection....
Pearl Hermes
Laysan,2 views
these are first run "in-game",need a bit of work yet,more coming,stay tunedImage
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Post by Shreck »

oh,and the alpha Maro reef.....like French Frigate shoals,though not needed,perhaps they will do in place of the "unnamed.or unphotographed islands"....
Wakes coming along,but there was a lot more to do on it as I didnt have a good satellite image....
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Post by Moggy »

Magic Shreck - you're saving me an enormous amount of work and I couldn't do them half as good.
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Post by Shreck »

Magic Shreck - you're saving me an enormous amount of work and I couldn't do them half as good.

Thanks Moggy,My intention at this point is to complete all of the relevant terrain tiles,polish them up,and upload them and a completed tm in the near future....all you should have to do is the TARDAT,TTDdat,etc....the terrain and tm will be done.....my personal goal,then its back on the KAW business till I also have a completed world there....after that....Pearl Harbor......then?
who knows? :wink:
I dont suppose you ever sorted the wing issues with the CR-42 did you?
I ask because I have been sitting on a chunk of completed(or nearly so)mods,and I figure that its high time to send Mike a new shipment for uploading,wanted to make the twin Belgian CR-42's part of the package...no big deal if they dont go,but I am trying to "clear the decks" as I have 6+Gb worth of files,either modded,or awaiting same...
I gotta clear this pig-sty out :lol:
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Post by Moggy »

When you've done these atoll tiles it will spur to get the tile matrix done, so the Midway upgrade will be that much further along.

I'm away at the moment so can't check the CR42. Don't think I finished it. Probably need a short break from tiling the ME world, so I'm fixing some RS for Flyright's new P51, so will get this out as well.
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Post by Pobs »


these are really nice work mate :)... well done :)... regarding the tmods, as Moggy says we have pretty much an open book on them now... we can make any model we want and adapt the table to it ....:)..


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