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To upgrade the 2001 Midway addon
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Captain Kurt

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Post by Captain Kurt »


Near and dear to my heart as you know. In my spare time :roll: working on the CAW aircraft, I will continue to update the Midway models and skins.

Finished so far: F4F, F2A Buffalo, Kate, SBD, TBF, TBD, and PBY. Others still to be done are the Val and Zero - both of which will be adapted from CAW models - a skin for the high res B-17 model, and the SB2U. So we aren't too far away as far as aircraft are concerned.

The carriers will will of course result from CAW.


Capt Kurt

Post by geg »

Hiya Kurt. could you post some screenies perhaps of these updated models & skins. im very interested ;)

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Post by Moggy »

Kurt - your planes were the heart of the original Midway addon. This project will get done over time, cetainly with no rush or hurry. The new planes package will be the central part of it, but there may be other new things that can be added - CAW will produce new ship models for example, and it may be that Pobs carrier models could be used.

The best way is probably a step by step approach, with the planes package first - as its near enough ready - and other stuff to follow
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Post by Pobs »


we can swap in the US carrier straight away if we just modify the targets file to swap the carrier through 90 degrees, at the moment it sits across the runway in the Midway airfields...


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Post by Moggy »

Thanks Pobs, I'll take some time at some point to figure out what sort of an upgrade package I can put together.
aussie jim

Post by aussie jim »

Very nice ..a midway upgrade would be is a great ww2 scenario and with proper carriers it could certainly be outstanding.

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Post by Wudpecker »

Reporting in, Sir Moggy.

With many questions, as usual, so I can catch up on the status of your project.

1. Has the "dead" B-17 squadron (no takeoff) been replaced? I have a flyable version that takes off normally with its squadron (with better phony rotating props). It's skin markings may not be authentic and have to be adjusted. (I saw your B-17 post).

2. Do you need an "automated" installer? The horror of trying to get the scenario working right stays with me as a newbie. DOS is a poor substitute for proper work screens, but I'm an old DOS man and might be able to help.

3. Did you find your B-26 as well?

4. I notice the skins are "dead" looking for the Pacific Aircraft. That is, even with the drab paint jobs, aircraft will always show highlights and shadows, and these do not. This may be beyond me--I'm just starting to learn 3DZ--but there is a 3D light in my paint program that might work for highlights. With help translating from PCX to TPC, there's some possiblities here.

5. Any luck with water trails for the fleet ships? In real life, these trails are huge--usually curved. I understand Pobs made some by altering the 3DZ on ground objects. Can send you his pic.

6. No real luck so far with flying boat splashes. Too new to 3DZ. I'm hot on the non-existent trail with Pobs, CJ, and Von Beerhofen trying to guide me. It's learning the basics of altering anything slowing me down.

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Post by Moggy »

Hello Wudpecker,

In the order:

(1) Yes - the new Midway B17 will use Kurt's new skin and improvements to Chompy's original hi-res B17 model. Flyright and I did much experimentation on flyable bombers over the last couple of years since the original Midway release, and I'm fairly certain we can get user controlled props (though not invidual engines) and a proper take-off. At the moment Iam trying to get the wingview so that all fourprops can be seen in both static and moving mode. The model will also use pobs cockpit variation with the bomb sight floor panel.

(2) As you know BlackAdder did an installer version of Midway which has worked for most people. I will probably do an installshield version once I get to the full Midway 2 upgrade which will include the pobs 3d carriers and much else. At the moment the plan is to issue a new aircraft package which existing users can slot into their existing installation.

(3) There is currently new improved or hi-res model of the B26 Marauder, but this is a job Kurt may be taking on

(4) Actually I think Kurt's skins are maginificent. There was a pallette problem in usng the British slots, but this has largely been overcome

(5) I haven't worked on water trails, but I would like to get them in. It seems something that ought to be possible with our current state of knowedge of EAW. Anything workable would be welcome.

(6) Thanks for trying. We may get to it one day.

Current status is that

(1) we have all Kurt's new air groups for the US carriers (Wildcats, Dauntless, Devastators with Claudio's cockpits where applicable).

(2) at Midway Island we have Kurt's new PBY in which I've installed Claudio Wilches "maritime" cockpit originally done for the Ventura, Kurt's new B17, Kurt's Avenger, Dauntless, and Brewster upgrades with Claudio's cocpits as appropriate. Kurt may be working on an upgraded version of the Marine Vindicator.

(3) For the Japanese carrier air groups we have Kurt's new Kate's and Vals, and Kurt has the Zeros in hand.

I like the sound of your alternative intro music, which I'd like to put up as an alternative. It would also be good to get an intro video to replace the default .smk files.

Will do--and appreciate the update

Post by Wudpecker »

Sir Moggy,

Have the alternative music now, but will try adding the "Man Your Battle Stations" echo (it makes a vast difference).

How to send? Translate to MP3? Or leave as is?

Send to you or try to send to the central repository?

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Post by Moggy »

When you're done, convert to mp3 and then let me know how large the file is. Then we can decide how to deal with it.

Intro Sound Done!

Post by Wudpecker »

Ok, Moggy.
I've removed some pops and clicks and added echo. Sounds good!

Have two versions available--deep and deeper echo.

MP3 is 1.7 megs. Original PCM unsigned 8-bit stereo is 2.38 megs.

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