Midway B17

To upgrade the 2001 Midway addon
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Midway B17

Post by Moggy »

Kurt - this is what I get with the package you sent over today ...


Plainly the right skin now - but do you think there might a little pallette problem, the aircraft being in the sp2a slot in Midway?
Captain Kurt

Post by Captain Kurt »

Plainly not, dude :lol:

You still have the wrong wing and tail tcp files, though you have the right fuselage files. Check to make sure you convert all of the tiles I sent you. If you are snapping the files into the slot, SnapShot will ignore the non-standard names given to the tcp files used for the flying surfaces. Since it is a high resolution model, you'll have to convert them by hand.


Captain Kurt
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Post by Moggy »

Hello Kurt,

Looks like the cooking sherry is still having its effect. What I did was just simply change the skin filenames in the package you sent. Obviously something wrong. I'll check when I get home and confess my sins publically later :lol:
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Post by Moggy »

Ah .... er ... (cough cough)....


Sorry Kurt! Got it right this time :oops:

What had happened was this - in order to get the prop control working okay in the sp2a single engine slot I did some sleight of hand in the exe which gave both the e.3dz and g.3dz transparency capabilities. I also had to make some slight ammendments to the 3dzs of those parts of the model. However, I named the skinfiles differently and so the model was picking up the old skinfiles I had for the e and g 3dz.

Now all is fine. The evil falling down water has been locked away.

I can be so thick sometimes!

KURT's New B-17 skin

Post by Wudpecker »

It's obvious no mods will be necessary on THIS B-17.

Beautiful job, Capt. Kurt.
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