
To upgrade the 2001 Midway addon
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Post by Moggy »

The current Avenger hanger screen depicts the only Avenger which made it back. Only just and with gunner dead I believe.


Iron Mike wrote:My 12 year Sunday School teacher was pilot of one of the 8 TBF's stationed on

What a privilige to be taught by such a veteran.

Iron Mike wrote:Not one of the torpedos droped by Naval or Marine avatiors hit a Japanese ship. They as you well know were all killed by SBD's.

As I understand it, even if the torpedos had hit they may not have done much damage. There were serious issues with US torpedos at that stage of the war.
Iron Mike
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Post by Iron Mike »

That is correct, but in this instance not one of the torpedo planes was able to drop their fish. We can only speculate on the outcome of a strike.

P.S. Major Maust had his goggles on his forehead when he hit the water. He smashed up against the instrument panel and they left a cookie cutter like 'figure 8' wound there. It was something to see in the summer as the sideways 8 was a white outline on his tanned skin. As boys we were fascinated by it.

He was US Naval Academy class of '39 or '40. The Marine Corps took the top 10 graduates as avatior cadets in those days. It was quite an honor then to be one of the chosen.

Later on he flew Wildcats and Hellcats. Then Coursairs and Banjos in Korea and ended his flying days as a SAR (Search and Rescue) pilot over the Gulf of Tonkin.

Back to matters at hand, Ralf, the Japanese squadron strength at Midway was 18 to 21 planes per type on their 4 carriers. It may be impractical to make slots for that many planes. And then again, the full strength 4 motor Groups in the 8th Air Force had 24 planes. So....something to think about, eh?
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Iron Mike
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Post by Iron Mike »

Speaking of art, look at this link. It is a site with analysis of Japanese carrier wrecks from the Midway battle. It features 3-view color illustrations of 3 flattops.

http://www.nauticos.com/midway/IJNwreck ... s-kaga.htm

It has some good information an Akagi, Kaga, and Soryu.
If all else fails, punt. Or, RUN AWAY!!!

Post by Wudpecker »

Good one.
That looks like it might be very helpful to the carrier 3DZ makers and skinners, Mike, for SPAW as well.

If someone can figure out how to get the 'numbers' (dimensions) for front, side, and rear locations on the ship's 3DZ, we can probably add the "contrails" as wakes.
We need the attachment points, just like the ones on the torpedo.

Not that Ray Otton hasn't done a terrific job adding wakes to ships. They help enormously, but have their limits.
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Post by Shreck »

just an FYI,i still have all of the Midway stuff,TM,tiles,etc. from back when Woody and I did the intitial terrain upgrade,holler if you need anything!
S!............Shreck AKA SiriusAbbott(youtube it)
"Ask not what you can do for your country,ask,what has your country been doing to you!"

Post by Wudpecker »

We do need a place to "archive" the Midway upgrade materials, so modders can get them and work on the upgrade.

Maybe Moggy can suggest the best solution.

Everyone is quite busy with other projects. But we WILL get back to Midway.
Wouldn't want to lose the very good work you have done!
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Post by Moggy »

I've re-established the old Midway FTP folder at The Gen.

As these project boards are now public, anyone who want to use it please send me a PM and I'll let you have details

Some stuff is still there.

I'll upload what I have. Some of it will be well outdated and passed by the developments in 128C
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Post by rotton50 »

When I get a chance I'll post a list of the SPAW TMODs to the Midway folder so anyone can cherry pick what they need to hlep bring it up to the latest standards.
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