Midway soundtrack

To upgrade the 2001 Midway addon
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Midway soundtrack

Post by Moggy »

Found this whilst mucking about on the web ...


Midway music

Post by Wudpecker »

Haven't heard of it, but John Williams is a top movie composer. Sounds promising.
I added a bit of jazz to tone down and replace the rumpa-thrum of the drum (and modded Moggy's great opening theme by merging it with the EAW theme--plan to add an echo to the Call to Quarters announcment. It sounds great when I set my sound card to "concert hall" with a small echo.
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Post by Moggy »

I'd like to get that modded opening theme and post it as an alternative.

I'd also like to get a new introductory video sequence in place of the default .smk files.

Intro sound done (re-post)

Post by Wudpecker »

In case the first post didn't make it---

The Intro sound is done and ready for your evaluation.

Call to "Man Your Battle Stations" sounds good with reverb!

MP3 is 1.7 megs. Original PCM unsigned 8-bit stereo is 2.38 megs.

Two versions--echo and deeper echo.

Want to hear the '40s jazz for the scrolling credits and "return" screens? A quiet relief from the strident war music.

Will look for some Intro movies.
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Post by Moggy »

Sounds very good to me. You can see from the new post that I've set up a Midway FTP folder so that new Midway files can be uploaded for testing by all members of the group.

The best thing is to zip the useable .bgm file and put it in the "Sounds" folder, so we can all get at it.

Very much like to hear the other music files as well, so it would be good if you could upload those as well.

In the Lockbox

Post by Wudpecker »

Midway intro and scroll screen sounds are in the FTP site for review.

Curious the way FTP works, but it works.

I'm also uploading later tonight some "Just for Fun" extra intro sound files and Barracks radio alternatives (jazz, of course). Old time radio was terrible at times, and certainly 2,000 miles away from home on Midway Islands. :wink:

Including some of the originals in MP3 so the group can hear the difference.

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Post by Moggy »

Thanks Wudy, I'll grab them ASAP.


Post by Wudpecker »

Von Beerhofen has run into a new random sound program that has possibilites for use both here and elsewhere.

http://www.simhq.com/simhq3/sims/boards ... 1;t=024972
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Post by Moggy »

Flyright has been heavily experimenting with this, and I'll see what the possibilities are once life is a little less hectic.
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Post by FlyRight »

Yes!!! this has to be the coolest thing for me since snapshot. unfortunately it doesn't work properly at the moment at Sandbaggers end and the only beta tester from the forum is bouncing almost all of my zips...so it looks like I'm the only one again thats getting this :roll:

Especially cool with the Gladiator theme playing in the background but can't even begin to tease anybody because of these large files inspite of being in mp3 format. Any suggestions??? outside of burning it on a CD...which may be my only option.

MP-3 Files too big

Post by Wudpecker »

I just noticed this post, FLY RIGHT.

If the MP-3 files are huge, you may have to do what I did on some music:

Edit them.

Don't know what you have available in a sound editor, but mine did it so smoothly I couldn't find the break.

Cut it from over 2 megs to 1 meg or less (as I remember).

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