CAW 1944 overall plan - who's done what and is doing what

A Project to model the 1944 Carrier air battles of the Pacific
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CAW 1944 overall plan - who's done what and is doing what

Post by Moggy-the-Admin »

I have just reviwed all the CAW bulk emails I have in an attempt to summarise the general position in this addon as of now.

(1) Originally CAW was going to embrace all the carrier action 1944 and 1945, but we have decided to work first with a map which includes the Phillippines, the Mariannas, Truk, Yap and Palau - in fact CAW part 1 - the 1944 actions (therefore excluding Formosa, Iwo Jima, Okinowa and raids on Japanese Home Islands)

(2) VonOben and Neira have produced the first version of a tile layout (, topography map ( and tile set (bn*.ter) for this map, together with navigation map (europe1.pic)

(3) As a consequence do we need to consider the aircraft slots which originally included a number of slots for the British Pacific Fleet which doesn't come into play until CAW part 2 - 1945. Can we use instead in 1944 aircraft from the Marine Air Divisions or 5th/7th Army Air Force? Certainly we need a definitive list of aircraft slots for 1944

(4) Kurt and others have been working like stink on the planes in the original slot list. We now have most of them, Charles has produced the necessary FMs, and Kurt has done a set of Japanese/American ordnace including the US torpedo.

(5) Pobs has been working on the 3D carriers and has a working US model. I'm not too sure what the position is at the moment on using the "long-leg" adjustment to FMs to enable planes to land and take off from the 3d carriers.

(6) VonBeerhofen has produced a pacific sky, various tree formations, and pacific theatre bridges

(7) Neira has produced a video introduction to "Carrier Air War 1944-45" - may need to be adjusted for just "Part 1 - 1944"

(8 ) Andy has volounteered to assist with the Campaign files - vital as we need up the moment knowledge of the new gen on those files

(9) DeanH volounteered to help with Screens (I bet you thought I'd forgotten!)

That seems to be the present position - my apologies if I've left anything or anyone out.

It seems to me that we need to break this complex addon down into a few work areas so that the people concerned can get cracking, with what ever help there is. I'm not assuming that those who were in the original CAW necessarily still have the time to be involved, though of course I'm hoping they can be.

This is what I suggest:

planes, loadouts, and FMs.
Kurt and Charles
Definitive plane slot list for 1944
Any remaining aircraft
Sorting out "long leg" FM for carrier landing

Neira has made a tile layout with necessary terrain tiles

target locations and target layout
target locations - griddata.dat, targets.dat, airfields.dat,
frntlines.dat in cooperation with campaign team
tardata.dat - Toney has agreed to help with target location layout

3D carriers
Pobs - when SAW is completed
Finishing models for US and Japanese carriers

Other Ground objects
Col Gibbon, Pobs, Captain Kurt, VonBeerhofen and others
Settling ground object slots - tartypes.str
deciding what we've got and what we need
with other asistance making what else is required
Andy to edit Tmod properties table in the exe

Terrain objects layout

Campaign files
He will need details of Squadrons, bases, targets for each action.
To consider how applicable the EAW campaign engine is to what we want to do

DeanH with assistance
Hangar screens (once slot list is finalised)
Main screen
Aircraft selection
Single mission
Campaign screens (briefing etc)

The idea is each area will get help as required, andall these areas will need help from any other volounteers. If I'm putting too much on anyone, please say so, but this is a complex addon and will yet require a lot of work. But when done it will be a stunner.

Reactions please. :lol:
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Post by Moggy »

Good news that Toney has come aboard CAW to assist with laying out target locations. Having seen his recent stuff he was clearly the man for the job.
Captain Kurt

Post by Captain Kurt »


I will be able to help with:

Target locations and details as to what bases and targets looked like

Provide campaign information to identifyair units and the related targets information. Japanese land based units will be the hardest to find. But in fact, we will need to do the research to pick which USN units to model too - major 1944 strikes and carrier battles did not see many carrier squadrons that participated in more than two or three before rotating out of action.

Ground objects and supporting fleet ships (battleships, cruisers, and etc.) 3dz models. I am already working on tent models for example.

I am also collecting various graphics for screens which Dean may be able to utilize.


Capt. Kurt
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Post by Moggy »

Hello Kurt,

Yes, I think finding details of the Japanese Squads will be the most difficult. At the moment I'm working my way through the CICPAC communiques for 1944 to establish a basic grid of operations by the various US air forces.

Toney will be able to use the details of bases and targets.

I'll update the ground object list with the stuff you're working on.

Dean's still recovering from being volounteered :lol:

Volunteer No.1

Post by DeanH »


But SIR! I DIDN'T - I promise, it's just that EVERY other man in ranks stepped BACK 1 step!! :?

Seriously though, YES I am ok with doing graphics aspects wherever I am able to.

Project wise,

I have finished (for now) with the B24D's

and I have nearly completed the Hurricane 'secret' project with Col.Gibbon. (which, BTW, I am also working on a sea hurricane for. "Nicki" from HMS Nairana on convoy protection duty in the nth Atlantic (Norway?) perhaps CAW pt3? :roll: )

I have a project to make some HR 109G2's (6's) for use at the Ploesti raids, but I can put them on hold for a wee while, whilst I get a bit of a handle on these screens and things.

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Post by Moggy »

"Don't volounteer for anything" Essential skill of service life :rotfl:

But thanks Dean. We'll all look forward to the outcome.


Don't volunteer

Post by Wudpecker »

Despite Moggy's admonition of "Don't volunteer," I've been looking to see where I can add anything.
The obvious is new "seas" and possibly land colors.
If this is of interest, I will check the FTP to see if any land or islands are available, and whether I could do them.
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Post by Moggy »

Hello Wudy,

If you get the current package from the CAW folder you can see what it looks like. Neira is patiently waiting for me to finish the targets main layout and hand the tile matrix back to him.

Any input on seas and lands - grateful for.
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Post by RAF_Roy »

Hi all,
I am Glad to be added to the CAW Group.
It will take me awhile to get up to speed on the Project, but as at this time my info from Moggy is that the project has been "on ice" presently I guess there is no hurry.

I have d/l the existing ftp site files and gathering as much info as possible from this site.
If anyone has additional special info / updates / messages / requests please feel free to email me at:
roytech ('et')

I presently only get to my email or online on weekends my time (Pacific time U.S.) so please be patient for any replies.

Thanks again!
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Post by Moggy »

Hello Roy,

As you can see, not much been done on this one since the begining of the year. But a lot had been done as you will see from the files available.
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Post by RAF_Roy »

rgr that, Moggy
and Hi all,

A bit off track with following but would like to propose something to do with CAW and yet following lines of interest that I am pursuing in EAW on my own:

First of let me say that I don't mean to take CAW off a main Campaign track, so I'm not suggesting we do this as a whole.
(At least not unless later it comes out that good results are found in such matters and it becomes wanted by all)
Also, since little activity recently I know there is not much members that will read this until maybe much later when members get back into this project.

What I am interested in is composing an alternate sub-version for release or at least experimentation for us along the way (and/or as an add-on).

So myself , I will be making some investigation into the following:

To wit;
I really don't have much campaign composing knowledge, so really although I can help on some related mods, etc., I probaly won't get real involved in the more involved in the long campaign detail editing.
What I do have a bit of experience in is single mission oriented Scenarios, and am starting to get more ideas of for EAW as far as ways to make psuedo-game engine mechanics.

I have recently made my SMF program (Single Mission Flyer).Using it anyone can use some .dat files from Campign releases and produce Single Missions with limited airfield and target set.
The SMF makes use of a "surrounding frontline" which basically surrounds 2 chosen airbases and then stretches between them.
The airbases and space within is thus Axis territory.
2 bases are used because a single base isolated in this way will not work online, although it does work offline.
Try the SMF and you'll see the simple way it works.

My next step along these lines is to make a way to increase functions in either a new program, or by a new program in conjuction with other means such as a set of files precomposed to be accessed as needed.
The intention is that results of an individual Mission produces data that is used to access (or possibly create) the next set of files used.Thus creating a pseudo game engine.
For example say allied player has Allied Base A and B.He attacks Axis Base 1.He succeeds and destroys it, and /or has victory in kills vs. loses in the air.So in the next Mission he has Axis Base 1 available now, and so forth proceeds to try to win further.
What I don't know how to do yet is access the files for game results of EAW to use the data automatically.I am going to look at that later.
I probaly can do it.Even if not I can make a selection interface to enter the results by hand of the player(s).
This would be most useful for online gaming.Since online the campaign engine does not work , as single missions are used.Thus there is not much variety in what happens, unless new ways like this are created.
Now this is not the only idea I am working on, in a related track,
( and one I think even more directly would have possibilty to make CAW unique and interesting) is this:
The introduction of files / mechanisms take will make it possible that on launch (hopefully even during campaign) an interuption of the normal expected scenario will occur.
Since it is "Carrier Air War" the most fitting would be that an enemy Carrier Group or Planes move in (or maybe are detected or not) and interfere.The target either becomes them or at least they are in position to attempt to interfere.
If this can be done good it would be real exciting.
And the game wouldn't be as static as usual EAW.

How, so far, without investigating further this can be achieved is by use of a frontline surrounding a single base.I have tried it.It works offline but more importantly when using a campaign the following happens:
The campaign functions but instead the target will only be to the base surrounded.
I have a program (not the SMF - compiled during experiments) that makes a single base frontline easily.I will make it availble soon from my new website ( - ready by 2/2005) so if anyone likes to look at and make experiments it will be easy to try a single base frontline.

Now, the results of just this single base frontline are not the only possibles.I have some more ideas, and experiments and there is sure to be more info and results others may come to during this year.

So maybe some alternative or add-ons like this can be made ready for CAW (or even incorporated into it later if we get more advanced results) release.

I'm sure its a long way off, but just thought I'd let you know some areas of work I am considering.
And also experiments you can try.
As I get more I will post the info.

Best regards,

Very Hopeful

Post by Wudpecker »

Shows much promise, Roy.
Co-ordinated carrier attacks between convoys is an obvious use.
I suggest that Moggy or someone give you the locations and let you do a trial run for CAW. He may have to lead you through the process. I am one of those thick heads that must be shown the first steps and have my mistakes corrected.

You can post the proggy for the attacks here (and at SimHQ, if okay) and let us try it out.

I will probably need your new frontline editor for my own use, as well as CAW use. See my questions below.

Have not tried it out yet, so forgive some ignorance:

*** Does it let you set up attack times as well as locations for both sides?***

---Would love some surprise attacks, SWOTL style, as the players take off from their airfield. This means one side will take off long before the other, catching the enemy by surprise on the ground (or at sea).

----How about attacks en route to target? On the way home?

---Is there a randomize function so the players never know what they face?

As to keeping track of victories and moving the frontline as a result of wins/losses, it is a wonderful idea for later use.

Any or all of these will cut the "boredom" factor.

In short, you are onto something. As we move on, Moggy may assign some CAW development to those who understand what you are doing and how to do it.
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Post by RAF_Roy »

Wudpecker, and all,
In answer, the idea is very rough at this time,but a very Big "Yes" to the randomization factor.That the main point I want to achieve.
As to the "allow set up" there isn't anything put together yet to do so.
That would be the case if there was to be a program made.
What I have so far is very rough idea.
I really must amend my post - I got a little ahead of myself - I forgot to say I am unsure of the way to utilize the Single Base frontline in a whole working scenario.
athere has to be some means of switching it in and out of EAW (i.e. on/off)
otherwise it would be very limiting to the scenario obviously, and it would affect the calculations of results for the campaign also.

I can say after some thought I'm not exactly sure if this is the best method, as another way would be by simple manipulation of a Bases X,Y (World Location).
I mean we could have a Base (or more) that were in effect "sahdow Bases" representing the Carrier Group(s) - when not in effect they would reside either at their normal positions or very far out of the action maybe.Then went the effect was wanted to be achieved (by some randomization factor and switching means) the X,y would change, and the Bases would move close, to either directly "attack" so to speak, or near enough that the Bases Planes would be able to intercept the Player's Flight on way to Target.
Yes, this way may even be better (or possibly could use both means?).
With the X,Y it could easily be Transparent to Player prior to flight.You would never know prior to launch.

At any rate this is sort of far off.I need some time to pursue it.
I wanted to post a general idea of area I am intending to work on.But got a little over - enthusiastic, hence the extra info in the post.
At this time CAW is far off, so there is much time.
To avoid making this thread too long I don't want to discuss it all here.
Here is my working timetable, roughly;
I am moving my website by 2/2005.Just now redoing my site content.My new site will have a "Workshop" area.That is where I will present any information related to this and other of my projects.
So in some weeks you should start to see more info on related matters.
Stand by, and Stay tuned!

Targets and Times

Post by Wudpecker »

Keep at it, Roy.

As for SWOTL-type "Scramble" missions, Von Beerhofen pointed out Knegel has done a mod for them.
I have finally found it (it's at the EAW Launchpad, NOT at Sandbaggers for reasons known to Knegel).

It's a bit of a dance, and requires a "LOAD" at the hanger mission screen, but does supply attack missions at airbases. Will report if useful.

Don't want to whine and complain excessively (it's just my mood), but many wonderful mods are available that are totally useless to EAW game developers. Bless OAW! Sure hope JackSprat can help us organize, perhaps along WIKI lines.
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Post by Moggy »

Hello Roy,

As the main work on CAW is very much on deep freeze at the moment I'd welcome any idea to get the stuff which has been done (quite a lot really!) released and in the hands of players. So please do and let us know what progress you are making. Let me know if need any files or information from the project.
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