(1) Originally CAW was going to embrace all the carrier action 1944 and 1945, but we have decided to work first with a map which includes the Phillippines, the Mariannas, Truk, Yap and Palau - in fact CAW part 1 - the 1944 actions (therefore excluding Formosa, Iwo Jima, Okinowa and raids on Japanese Home Islands)
(2) VonOben and Neira have produced the first version of a tile layout (eaw.tm), topography map (eaw.hm) and tile set (bn*.ter) for this map, together with navigation map (europe1.pic)
(3) As a consequence do we need to consider the aircraft slots which originally included a number of slots for the British Pacific Fleet which doesn't come into play until CAW part 2 - 1945. Can we use instead in 1944 aircraft from the Marine Air Divisions or 5th/7th Army Air Force? Certainly we need a definitive list of aircraft slots for 1944
(4) Kurt and others have been working like stink on the planes in the original slot list. We now have most of them, Charles has produced the necessary FMs, and Kurt has done a set of Japanese/American ordnace including the US torpedo.
(5) Pobs has been working on the 3D carriers and has a working US model. I'm not too sure what the position is at the moment on using the "long-leg" adjustment to FMs to enable planes to land and take off from the 3d carriers.
(6) VonBeerhofen has produced a pacific sky, various tree formations, and pacific theatre bridges
(7) Neira has produced a video introduction to "Carrier Air War 1944-45" - may need to be adjusted for just "Part 1 - 1944"
(8 ) Andy has volounteered to assist with the Campaign files - vital as we need up the moment knowledge of the new gen on those files
(9) DeanH volounteered to help with Screens (I bet you thought I'd forgotten!)
That seems to be the present position - my apologies if I've left anything or anyone out.
It seems to me that we need to break this complex addon down into a few work areas so that the people concerned can get cracking, with what ever help there is. I'm not assuming that those who were in the original CAW necessarily still have the time to be involved, though of course I'm hoping they can be.
This is what I suggest:
planes, loadouts, and FMs.
Kurt and Charles
Definitive plane slot list for 1944
Any remaining aircraft
Sorting out "long leg" FM for carrier landing
Neira has made a tile layout with necessary terrain tiles
target locations and target layout
target locations - griddata.dat, targets.dat, airfields.dat,
frntlines.dat in cooperation with campaign team
tardata.dat - Toney has agreed to help with target location layout
3D carriers
Pobs - when SAW is completed
Finishing models for US and Japanese carriers
Other Ground objects
Col Gibbon, Pobs, Captain Kurt, VonBeerhofen and others
Settling ground object slots - tartypes.str
deciding what we've got and what we need
with other asistance making what else is required
Andy to edit Tmod properties table in the exe
Terrain objects layout
Campaign files
He will need details of Squadrons, bases, targets for each action.
To consider how applicable the EAW campaign engine is to what we want to do
DeanH with assistance
Hangar screens (once slot list is finalised)
Main screen
Aircraft selection
Single mission
Campaign screens (briefing etc)
The idea is each area will get help as required, andall these areas will need help from any other volounteers. If I'm putting too much on anyone, please say so, but this is a complex addon and will yet require a lot of work. But when done it will be a stunner.
Reactions please.