CAW 1944 - Tmod list by types

A Project to model the 1944 Carrier air battles of the Pacific
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CAW 1944 - Tmod list by types

Post by Moggy »

CAW - 1944 -TMod list by type

This list will be updated as work progresses


Tmod01 Japanese Army storage warehouse Tin roof cane walls
Tmod02 Japanese Army HQ Bldg tin roof wood plank walls
Tmod03 Japanese Sugar Cane Alcohol refinery
Tmod04 Japanese Army Barracks Thatched shack
Tmod06 Japanese Suppy dump
Tmod07 Japanese tent city (Captain Kurt working)
Tmod08 Japanese Army storage warehouse Thatch roof wood plank walls
Tmod20 Japanese Radio shack thatched hut or tin roofed
Tmod25 Japanese Airfield contol tower
Tmod29 Japanese Airfield building Thatched or tin roof
Tmod30 Japanese Airfield HQ building pagoda type wooden roof w/ surronding veranda
Tmod31 Japanese Airfield briefing building pagoda type roof and wood porch
Tmod67 Japanese Thatched hut
Tmod68 Japanese Large thached hut
Tmod41 Japanese Large wooden warehouse


Tmod09 Japanese Docks/piers - wooden
Tmod10 Japanese Army machine gun bunkers - logs
Tmod17 Japanese Anti-aircraft heavy
Tmod18 Japanese Anti-arcraft light
Tmod19 Japanese Oil tank
Tmod21 Japanese Radio transmission tower
Tmod23 Japanese Gun emplacement bunker concrete
Tmod24 Japanese Fuel dump
Tmod26 Japanese Bomb/ammo bunker
Tmod27 Japanese Aircraft parked in dispersal revetment
Tmod28 Japanese Parked aircraft


Pobs and geg are working on Japanese trucks and tanks

Tmod50 Japanese Japanese fuel truck
Tmod51 Japanese Japanese open truck
Tmod52 Japanese Japanese truck
Tmod53 Japanese Japanese light tank
Tmod54 Japanese Japanese staff car
Tmod55 Japanese Japanese tank type 97 Chi Ha
Tmod56 USA Sherman tank (Col G's hi-res Sherman)


Tmod11 Japanese Bridge simple concrete type
Tmod12 Japanese Simple wooden bridge end
Tmod13 Japanese Simple wooden bridge
Tmod14 Japanese Bridge roadbed
Tmod15 Japanese Short bridge
Tmod16 Japanese Long bridge


Tmod22 Replacemnt jungle for 3D forest
Tmod32 Palm tree large
Tmod33 Palm tree or ferns
Tmod34 to Tmod40 Jungle vegetation
Tmod42 Jungle vegetation

We have palms various by Col G and VonBeerhofen


Captain Kurt will be working on ship models, aussie jim has volounteered for ship skinning

Pobs is working on the 3D carrier models

Tmod43 to Tmod49 Japanese ship convoy (DDloco mod adaptation) destroyers and transports
Tmod57 USA Destroyer
Tmod58 USA Cruiser
Tmod59 USA Battleship
Tmod60 USA Escort Carrier
Tmod61 USA Essex class Carrier (Pobs: basic model complete)
Tmod62 USA fleet oiler
Tmod63 Japanese destroyer
Tmod64 Japanese Carrier Chitose
Tmod65 Japanese battleship
Tmod66 Japanese Carrier Zuikaku
Tmod72 Japanese cruiser


Tmod69 parachuter Kahki uniform
Last edited by Moggy on Wed Feb 04, 2004 4:38 pm, edited 2 times in total.
Captain Kurt

Post by Captain Kurt »

In place of the Formidable, I would suggest a fleet oiler, which can also be used for a target model in harbor for Truk and Philippines strikes.

We could replace the RR station with a tent city for a Japanese army base around the Army HQ and Barracks buildings. Alternatively could be an ammo / fuel dump.


Capt Kurt

Post by geg »

Moggy, looking @ the vehicles...we could use Col Gibbons HR Sherman...and if you like i could look into Japanese trucks etc and have a go at the trucks and perhaps even light tank. well maybe in cooperation with Pobs as well. :)

and could the Dunkirk piers be reskinned, or is a few 3dz tweaks needed? just wondering.
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Post by Moggy »

Kurt - oiler and tent city sound good to me. I'll ammend the list.

geg - Japanese trucks sounds good. Col G/Pobs will let us know if they've already got anything going along those lines. Pobs did the Dunkirk mole, and Toney recycled it for his layout.

Post by geg »

OK Moggy. Just been looking at Japanese light tanks. After that ill get into the trucks etc. I think there's some Japanese staff cars out there..and Geo has some stuff on his page which could probably be used, or at least, as a starting point for some objects.

as far as the light tanks go...the type 95 Ha Go, or Kyu Go is the front runner so far...



Post by geg »

Bingo Bango... :?: :?: :?:


Tmod52 Japanese Japanese truck

Type 97 4-Wheeled Truck
Type 97 was based on an Isuzu commercial medium truck and its parts are mostly common to these of Type 94 Truck. Type 97 was used widely as the main truck of IJA until the WWII ended.


Tmod51 Japanese Japanese open truck

Type 94 6-Wheeled Truck
Before WWII, Japanese commercial trucks were very poor and IJA could not rely on them for military service. So, IJA supported private motorcar companies and made them develop a military 6-wheeled truck. It was the Type 94 6-Wheeled Truck. Type 94 Truck was reliable and had a good performance. Type 94 was produced in the largest numbers among the Japanese trucks and used widely until the WWII ended.


Tmod54 Japanese Japanese staff car

Type 93 6/4-Wheeled Passenger Car
Type 93 is the passenger car for officer. First, 6-wheeled model was developed and later 4-wheeled model was made in order to reduce the cost. The engine is the same as that of Type 94 Truck (Ko Model).


also another picture here

Has a nice listing..I'm still on the search for 3 view drawings however :)
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Post by Moggy »

Excellent stuff geg!
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Post by Pobs »

Looking at those trucks geg we could pull the nose out on Shreck/Col G's civ truck to get one of those pretty easily...

regarding the mole : we could very easily reskin that as either a solid stone or a wooden wharf... the basic model will do for either ...

I have a range of skins from places like combat mission boards for wooden and concrete bunkers so they are really no problem at all..

I also have a basic 'row of trees' model developed from Col. G's GS one which might be adapted for palm trees to give the impression of plantations which seem so prevelent around towns in this theatre.....



Post by geg »

Pobs, just looking now @ them now (shrecks vehicles), yep thats a good one...nice 8)

check your mail, also..
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Post by Pobs »


I notice that all the 'moving vehicle convoy' slots are allocated to japanese vehicles... ?? can we do that ? do we know how to get allied convoys to be converted to axis ones using the extra slots or are we thinking of stationary targets here ??

As a matter of interest, are there to be any US land bases ? if so, don't we need a US ground target plane ?... also, we could have a US or japanese plane onboard the 'target' carriers.... by swapping them into the train wagon slots and positioning them carefully... they would move with the ship until destroyed then be left behind..... but we could raise the main model to deck height and either leave the damaged model at that height and suffer it floating behind the carrier or drop it to sea level so it would appear to disappear from the deck and the smoke source would be 'inside' the ship.... what are the views on these possibilities ?....

edit : oh and the train wagon slots.... can they be used for additional planes etc in the target files ? or can they only be used on railtracks...


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Post by Moggy »

I think the answer is that originally in CAW we were very much thinking of US carrier forces either battling with Japanese carrier forces, or hitting Japanese occupied islands, and in that scenario all the ground targets with the exception of US Naval elements, would in fact all be Japanese, and clearly all the land interdiction targets (trucks and the like) would also be Japanese.

As you can see from the "campaigns" post I was thinking about the possibilities of a moving frontline campaign for the Phillippines, but that would necessarily involve American ground targets, as indeed would involvement of any US land based aircraft, and some reworking of the Tmod list. Therefore if only not to overcomplicate our task, I think there is merit therefore in sticking with the original concept.

If we are going to lay out the "railway lines" as sea lanes along which DDloco type shipping convoys pass, we can't reuse any of the rolling stock tmod slots for other purposes - they must all be ships or relevant to the shipping convoys. I do like your sggestion of a static aircraft target for the convoy "target" carriers. However, I don't think we can work things so that we have different convoy slots for either side. Any of the DDloco target objects would have to be applicable to either side - a generic small carrier shape, a generic single engine fighter shape without markings. Within those confines, it would begood to see if it worked!

Any comments Kurt?
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Post by Pobs »


perhaps if we made it one of the converted freighter type of light support carriers then ?...

unless we could have the target carriers swapped depending on the choice of campaign... so a jap version for us campaigns and a US one for jap campaigns... but I dont know how difficult that may be...of course with several different carriage types to work with..... we can have several plane/ objects on the decks...


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Post by Moggy »

Setting up a front end manager to swap requirements for campaigns on one or other side its not particularly difficult, and would indeed be one way round that particular problem. And indeed if theplayer is making front end choices in that way, the theatre could be set up with whatever objects were required for the particular campaign. I think it's a practical proposition, if it's a road you'd like to go down.
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