CAW screens and graphics

A Project to model the 1944 Carrier air battles of the Pacific

CAW screens and graphics

Post by DeanH »

I sent a hangar screen to Kurt quite some time ago and recieved his reply ok. I then sent a package of files (attached) and have had NO reply, even to an enquiry afterward, so I thought I'd post some of them here, for general consumption and comment, ok? ('scuse me Kurt, it seemed simpler this way :o )

I thought I'd take a shot at the EAW logo, to make it more 'relevent' to the CAW campaigns. I know it's large ATM but it's just for clarity, there's some more detail in the reflections etc.


Then I decided try for a Campaign Logo :


Question here: Is the typeface on 'carrier' appropriate enough? I know it looks a little "JAG" but I thought it suited the AIR WAR font better???

Next up, some 'in game' type screens? I don't know just 'where' but here's a look, perhaps with some discussion the target could be refined a bit?

A Hellcat screen?

The same screen with a 'different' emphasis:


And different AC involved :


Your comments welcome


Post by geg »

thats pretty damn amazing Dean. nice one :)

also a Zero mainscreen? ;)
Captain Kurt

Post by Captain Kurt »

Sorry Dean, it sounds like you did not receive my reply to you. :?

I certainly don't mind it being here for comments too. I think you are definitely on the right track.

BTW, I have been collecting screens from other sims etc for you. I will send it in several zipped packages tonight. Let me know if you recive the supply drop, OK?


Capt. Kurt
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Post by Moggy »

Wonderful stuff Dean,

I think the CAW emails were generally going off into the void, which is why I thought this board would be a better way of coordinating the project. Also my memory is crap, so I like to see the stuff set out in a topic list :D

I like the "metallic" approach.

I'll post up Kurt's original screen list so we can knock them off one by one :lol:

Post by DeanH »

Cheers gentlemen,

Kurt: Yes mate, they arrived this evening, thanks. Hopefully, with "The Gen" now available to us for developmental purposes (and pic that plane!! lol) we won't have any further 'crossed flightpaths'. I'll go through what you've sent after I get offline tonight, cheers.

Further: As I stated above, please feel free to offer opinions on other variations, (yes Gegsta, a Zero would be appropriate wouldn't it, I just have to get agood base pic of a US carrier).

But, areas for comment could regard background colour, position, layout etc. If I don't agree I can just smile sweetly and carry on (lol) so go ahead and have some creative input chaps. :wink:


Post by geg »

Hey Dean. rgr on the American Carrier pic ;)

I think they're great as they are. Really top job.

I just copied those pics onto Ulead and loaded the mainscreen palette....well you probably know but theres a bit of blue lost there :cry:
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Post by Moggy »

Many thanks Dean, I see you'll have this well in hand.

Post by neira »

Hola chicos,

I've also been building some screens for CAW, just for fun, but maybe some could be useful.

I must register on a free webhosting site to upload all the CAW files I have now (screens, terrain and videos).

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Post by Moggy »

Hello Neira, and welcome to the board. Much help will be required to get all the necessary screens done for CAW, and please liase with Dean so that work is not duplicated and no-one's time is wasted.

Post by DeanH »

Mate that's a damn good point, I had been too busy tarting around with the 'images' to even think clearly about the palette issues, I better get back to it I think! :wink:

Neira, Hola mate, :D
as Moggy says, I guess we'd better liase a little, regarding 'styles' etc for any screens, yes? Just so we can develop and maintain a 'style' that will run consistently through the game. It could be quite distracting to jump from one graphic style to another halfway through something.

If you want to, you can email me some jpgs of your screens, so we can discuss things? then I could possibly post them up here too?

My email is dpg & iprimus com au &=@


aussie jim

Post by aussie jim »

Dean the last screen is my fave so far ..i have a really cool pic that is one of my faves ...ill dig it out ..see what you think




..might give you some ideas anyway :)

Post by DeanH »

Thgose are damn fine pix Jim, and it DOES give me ideas!!! :D
I'm off to have a beer!!! :roll:

Seriously, it does bring up one issue worth discussing.
The images I made above, and the hangar screen I did earlier, were both based on old photographic resources, the AC carrier in the background is a photograph of a model diorama (great isn't it!) that was why I decided to drop it out of focus on the earlier screen, to avoid any potential copyright issues.

Now old photo's are one thing, especially if sourced via govt. agency's but paintings may be a little more 'iffy'?

what do you all think?

Bear in mind that, for me, colour shifts, blurs (focus) and the like, are NO trouble to do, so I can try pushing the envelope on that level.

If we use photographic references, we should probably be sourcing more of the same? and maintaining that look?
I can also sepia tone and/or grey-out anything etc. or add grain to 'clear' pictures, for that aged look.



Start at the beginning

Post by DeanH »

I was thinking, and, after the ringing in my ears stopped, I thought I should begin at the BEGINNING (good 'finkin' eh?)

So, regarding a main startup screen - I was wondering, is it REALLY the best idea to try changing the general appearence of the game SO MUCH that it's actually unrecognizeable from the original, as opposed to simply making it appear the same, yet with differences that really count? (that which most of YOU guys are doing)

I know that some have gone to major lengths to make whole new visual setups for campaigns in the past. And some are very nice indeed. But, for me, the original 'funky' old style 25c magazine/comic book look with the faded ink at the edges, and the 'cutout' pictures plastered one in front of the other, always held 'some sort' of charm. Reminds me of those old 250000pieces of plastic soldiers for 99c, or the Xray specs ads.

One of the best 'tests' of graphic design is to work 'within' the already set confines of a 'corporate image' which may dictate colour, or layout etc.

So I thought I would try to 'get into the mindset' of those who originally designed the interfaces, and see if I could understand their logic (and 'style').

Well, after the ringing in my ears stopped :lol: I put something together that really does seem to maintain "that" look.
There's still room to adjust, like making ALL images B&W or adjusting the number?

Anyway, have a look: (original on top, for comparison)


As you can see, the 'look' is still there, I feel. The 'logo' can be carried through, to appear on the other pages, so it can have a commonality. We can use previously done images (the AC attacking the carrier) as AC selection screen backgrounds? I could easily place 'slot' images over the top, for selecting?

Anyway, Opinions not "welcomed" but actually 'SOUGHT' :D

BTW, That's actually IT -already in the mainscreen palette (jpegged to post though)



Post by geg »

thats great Dean! i really like that idea...and keeping the style continued. nice :) 8)
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Post by Moggy »

Dean - knew you'd come up with the goods! :yes: :beer:

Excellent idea, and fine looking screen. You go for it! :rocking:

I also like the contemporary "comic book" feel - which would be exactly right for an addon which centres on US Carrier aviation.

The only thing is, now you've shown us up by doing some thinking, we're all going to have to do it. And I thought this was going to be a rest cure.

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