CAW world files - present position - research help needed

A Project to model the 1944 Carrier air battles of the Pacific
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CAW world files - present position - research help needed

Post by Moggy »

I have just finished an adjustment to the original CAW tile matrix developed by VonOben and Neira to incorporate Truk and asoociated islands. It dislocates the geography a bit, but what the hell. Neira is continuing to work on the tile layout. I've had stuff from Kurt and Neira and have started working out the target layout.

One thing I may need help on, and it is the obscure one, and that is alternative Japanese names for their original Pacific Island posessions (they had League of Nations mandates over the Marianas and Caroline Islands) and any alternative Jaanese names for locations in the Phillippines. If anyone has any pointers on this please let me know.

Post by DeanH »

well, I just searched for a couple of hours without luck mate, sorry, that IS an obscure one isn't it? lol

BUT, meanwhile, here's a really nice collection of battle maps of the pacific regions, go 'both' directions from here, (fwrd and back links) as there's plenty of stuff there.

you might find it useful

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Post by Moggy »

Thanks Dean, been and pinched 'em.

I've got Japanese names for the various islands at Truk atoll, but nothing else so far. Quite obscure!

Post by DeanH »


how DID you get, at least the ones you DO have? Was it 'by coincidence' that they were referred to somewhere? or did you actively do a search for them? (Google)
Last night I tried keywords such as 'japanese placenames' 'japanese names' 'pacific' 'ww2' etc - but, as I mentioned, I didn't get very far.


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Post by Moggy »

I think I found them by accident just looking for information about Truk. See: ... s/3973.htm

The larger islands of Truk Lagoon, with installations and facilities as of 17 February 1944:
*Moen (Haru Shima "Spring") - Bomber strip 3340 ft., combined seaplane base and fighter strip, with 68 planes, coast defense and anti-aircraft guns, radar, torpedo storage, torpedo boat base.
*Dublon (Natsu Shima "Summer") - Main town and docks, main seaplane base with 27 planes, submarine base, naval HQ, 2500-ton floating drydock, oil and torpedo storage, magazines, coast defense and anti-aircraft guns, aviation repair and supply station.
*Fefan (Aki Shima "Autumn") - The supply center, with pier, warehouses, ammunition dumps, search radar, two 5-inch dual-purpose guns.
*Uman (Fuyu Shima "Winter") - Search radar, torpedo boat base.
*Eten (Take Jima "Bamboo") - Airstrip 3340 x 270 ft., revetments, 20 planes fully equipped; 180 planes awaiting pilots or repairs.
*Param (Kaide Jima "Maple") - Airstrip 3900 x 335 ft., with 40 planes, eight 5-inch, four 80-mm dual-purpose, three medium anti-aircraft guns.
*Ulalu (Nichiyo To "Sunday") - Radio direction finder station.
*Udot (Getsuyo To "Monday") - Three 8-inch dual-purpose guns.
*Tol (Suiyo To "Wednesday") - Four 6-inch coast defense guns and a battery of anti-aircraft guns, radar, torpedo boat base.
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