Latest News 7th March 2003

A Project to model the 1944 Carrier air battles of the Pacific
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Latest News 7th March 2003

Post by Moggy »

I'm currently working on the world files. First rough versions of targets.dat, airfield.dat and griddata.dat are done, now polishing carrier airfield and seaplane base placeholders. Something to look at and experiment with soon.
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Post by Pobs »

excellent news Moggy :):)



Post by geg »

yes excellent news indeed! :)
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Post by Moggy »

Virtually all of the locations seem to have gone in okay, and it's the tidying up and fine adjustment at the moment, the bases which refuse to activate, the ones on the wrong side of the temporary frontline, the ones which seem to think they have dual nationality, and the ones which didn't quite make it onto some of the small islands and are splashing about in the sea adjacent having a good time, which is a pretty poor show. :mrgreen:

In the process I've ironed out some of the errors in DOM's vertcom.bas, the trusty utility which converts 640x320 bitmap coordinates into EAW world coordinates. Anyone having a use for that please let me know.

What I'm doing for the carriers and seaplane bases is having a new temporary tile which has an indicated area of "hard standing" (provided by editing the BP overlay file) on which I'm putting the flat carriers (as place holders for the 3d carriers) or the "invisible" airstrip (as from the Midway seaplane base).

For the airbase files I've edited runways.dat and airfields.dat to provide a regime like this:

airfld01 - IJN Fleet carrier
airfld02 - IJN light carrier
airfld03 - USN Fleet carrier
airfld04 - USN escort carrier
airfld05 - large complex airbase (Clark, Manilla etc)
airfld06 - medium size airbase
airfld07 - other signiificant airbase
airfld08 - single simple airstrip no taxi ways (islands, Phillipine bush)
airfld09 - seaplane base (invisible strip)
airfld10 - X shaped simple strip, no taxiways.

However, getting a good look at Neira/VonB's excellent tile layout!
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Post by Moggy »

Sorted out the apparent multinational problem, that was a glitch in the temporary frontline. I now seem to have virtually all of the bases visible, and am visiting them one by one doing a first cleanup. Proper layout in tardata.dat will come later. First object is to get a world in the planes can takeoff and land okay.
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Post by Pobs »


just shout when you want the carrier zip to fit onto the airfield and I will send it over..

could you send me over the modified vertcon.bas ?


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Post by Moggy »

Vertcon3 on the way pobs.

I won't put the 3d carriers in just yet, because I don't know what the position is on the "long leg" FM adjustment for all the aircraft involved in the addon. Anyone able to comment on that?

Also, any idea when you might be able to move on to the Japanese Fleet and light carriers and the US escort carrier?

Once the central target files are done, we then need to strike out in these directions:

(1) detailed target location layout (this will need remaining ground objects)

(2) campaign files (this will need final squad identification)

(3) aircraft package (this will need remaining aircraft models and skins)

(4) screens and graphics
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Post by Pobs »

regarding the 'long leg' fm... well, we can get them to take off and land at the correct height but the ai dont want to use the deck for some reason... I suspect it is because they do a check at 50ft in the default game to see if they are lined up OK... I think the details of this problem can be resolved at the beta testing time when we can see for example if lowering the deck height a little affects this behaviour...

I am looking at the models for the IJN carriers now.... but it may take a little while as there is a fair bit of work needed on the 3dz... if only Gurney's RS calculator was ready !!!!! ........


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Post by Moggy »

Hello pobs,

We've got a bit of time here, this addon won't be comming out for a while. Anything I can do to help with the IJN carriers please let me know. I do have some tricks with RS problems.

Roger re. "long leg" FM and agree that's the way to go.
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