Aircraft selection and present status

Shreck's and Rotton50's "what if" scenario
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Aircraft selection and present status

Post by rotton50 »

OK, here goes with the possible planes for the campaign:

BTW, finished aircraft include skins, 3dz's and flight models.

P38L / P49 - enhanced lo-res (done - but maybe Skylark could do up a new natural metal finish if we ask nice )

F7F / P-65 - enhanced lo-res ( done )

P47N - Hi-res (done )

F8F - lo-res ( done )

P51G - hi-res ( done )

P80 - lo-res ( needs work )

B29 - lo-res ( needs work on the skin mapping )

NA-98X - hi-res ( done )

Meteor - lo-res ( needs work )

F2G- 1D - hi-res ( done )

Spiteful - hi-res ( done )

SeaFang - hi-res ( done )

Fury Mk11FB - lo-res ( done )

MB5 - hi-res ( done )

Hornet Mk I - enhanced lo-res ( done )

Ki 62 - hi-res (done )

ki-64 - hi-res ( done )

ki-93 - enhanced lo-res ( done )

Ki-96 - enhanced lo-res ( done )

Ki-100 - hi-res ( 90% done )

Emily - lo-res (done)

Ki-46 III - lo-res (done)

J7W2 - lo-res ( done )

N1K2 - lo-res ( needs work )

Ki-84 - lo-res ( needs work )

Other possibilites:

Rebadge a Do335 and a Ta-183 with Japanese insignia.

Skin an ME262 to resemble the Japanese version.

Suggestions welcome. :D
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Post by Shreck »

and a Ta-183 with Japanese insignia.

Skin an ME262 to resemble the Japanese version.

hmmm,like these?
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Post by rotton50 »

Well, there ya' go!

I'm going to try to get Iron Mike involved in skinning and 3dz mods by starting with a small project.

I'll see if he wants to rebadge the Do335.
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Post by Shreck »

Ray for what its worth,I view these birds(hell,for that matter ALL of my aircraft skins)as temporary be replaced as soon as you,or flying tiger,or?,feels the need to stamp their artistic effort onto the wireframe....I just had to show what was in existence already :lol:
I too have tried the enhanced LR with the Ta-183,but gave up and went back to TMODs....however the Ta 183 is a great candidate for that ULR thing that you do so well :!:
the 262 is one of Mr Johnsons birds,and only partially skinned as a kikka...wireframe will need a bit of work to more closely resemble a kikka....
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Post by Iron Mike »

JUst send me the file Ray, I've almost finished the Me Frankenfighter and am ready to get more practice.

P.S. Sorry about the blizzard of zips the other night. Did you get all 8 parts?

P.P.S. look at this

What if it is the Spring 1946. The ultra secret 'Manhattan Project' has failed and the prolonged bombing campaign against Japan has only resulted in a costly stalemate. What if the Imperial Japanese Army and Navy have with the help of German engineers smuggled into the country at the end of the European War developed a new range of aircraft and weapons to fight the American and British Commonwealth Air Forces deployed against them. What if you were one of the pilots engaged in this epic struggle. Would you be able to defeat the enemies' latest fighters and bombers arrayed against you?


I was given a hint at the other to post this here :scary:
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Post by Shreck »

excellent Iron Mike!
heres the EAW mapeditor view of the same area(using default tiles) as you can see,there is a fair amount left to be done to the map..
"Ask not what you can do for your country,ask,what has your country been doing to you!"

Post by Stratos »

Hope to see too a more conventional planeset. We need Carriers for the campaign, what about Olympic operation?? and the Historical carrier raids??

-Will love to see F6F5, F1O1 ( the navalized P38 operating from carriers, even the 2d flat carriers are nice. ;) ), Late Corsairs...

Contact me If anyone need help

I have a finished version of the map, only targets to add, are you changing something Shreck?
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Post by rotton50 »


Which planes would you like to see that are not in the list?

It's all up for discussion right now so this is the time to give your opinions.
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Post by Shreck »

I have a finished version of the map, only targets to add, are you changing something Shreck?

howdy Stratos,no,map is "mostly" the same as when I received it from you!I have merely polished it a bit......not done yet,do you have a version newer than the one you gave me?BTW its good to see you posting here too :!:
"Ask not what you can do for your country,ask,what has your country been doing to you!"

Post by Stratos »

No, unfortunately is my last version, glad to see you're improving it :)
About the planes, why not make two planesets?? One for Operation Olympic; November 1945 ( and spring 1945 carrier raids ) with P51D, F6F5, F4U...
And the other for Coronet operation, the invasion of Honshu in March 1946 with all the What If stuff?? We can use exaclty the smae and only change the planesets.

P.S. Carriers are imperative, specially If I can use the Trident from there

Post by Wudpecker »

Glad somebody is organized.
Lookin' good.
As for carriers, I think they are dead in the water.
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Post by rotton50 »


Actually, the carriers aren't too bad. I worked with them while helping Moggy with CAW.

Having said that:

1 - Need skins
2 - They don't move
3 - Not sure about the hit bubbles
4 - Returing planes don't park they way we'd like.

You can take off and land of them. Landing is a little like the real thing in that you have to be precise. There aren't any tailhooks but if you come in just over stall speed with your brakes already on, you come to a stop while still on the carrier deck.

This was my first attempt at a deck landing, in a P-38 no less! If you look close you can see the pilot checking his draws. :lol:


I got better with practice.

Post by Wudpecker »

Not bad for a P-38.
Iron Mike
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Post by Iron Mike »

Hey Schreckie, I sent Ray a series of map plates, the one in my earlier post is one of them. Let me know if you'd like those plates. There are about 10-12 plates and 20-25 pages of text. The entire section is about 80 megs. I think I may have swamped ol Ray the other night. Iron Mike. Ping me if your interested.

Ray, sent the skin back. Hope it is OK. :wink:
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Post by Stratos »

So I will be able to use the Trident with Carriers!!!
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