How to download, setup and run EAW 1.6 - A few clicks and you're in the air!

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How to download, setup and run EAW 1.6 - A few clicks and you're in the air!

Post by Jel »

Post Last Updated on: September 24th 2023 see "latest exe updates" section below

Download, unpack, and a few clicks later you are flying in UAW160

UAW 160 is the most up to date and expansive version of EAW, providing many different theatres of WWII action, and an expansive inventory of WWII aircraft.

Apart from the EAW Default setup, 1.6 has these alternative theatres of operation:

Phillipines and the northern pacific ("CAW")
The Japanese incursions over Australia ("Darwin")
Dunkirk - The nine days of the evacuation, and the first days of real conflict between the RAF and the Luftwaffe
Western Europe ("Euro2020")
Finland and the USSR (FAW150")
The Spanish Civil War
The Mediterranean and the Desert ("Med2021")
The South Pacific ("SPAW Final Cut")
Israel and Arab 1947 ("Palestine")
Defence of Swiss Neutrality

There are other scenarios including "ETO Searchlight Theatre", "Train-Barges 2018" (river and rail interdictions)

There are special multiplayer setups for Western Europe (both default, and the Attack in the West), the Med & Desert, Spain, and the South Pacific. There is also a beta preview of the forthcoming Italy-Balkans-Ukraine theatre.

Of course we recommend that you get 1.6 direct from these links, and not from any other source.

It's not that downloads from any other source will blow up your computer or turn you into a zombie, or anything ludicrous like that. The most that could happen with unofficial or old 1.6 downloads is that they will not work properly and you will be frustrated. It's a waste of good flying time. We will always try and assist if this has happened to you. Send us a PM or post in the forum.

But this is why we say it's easier all round if you start with the most up to date download from here, because we would like you to have the best UAW 1.6 experience possible

Okay, let's go.

This is a link to a full UAW 160 installation:

Full UAW160 install- March 27th 2023

The download is named "UAWMarch27th2023.exe" and it is a 7-zip self installer. The file is just over 1 gigabyte, but running it will create a "UAWMarch27th2023" folder which is over 5.4 gigabytes in size. An "eaw.ini" file is included.

Once you have created the new folder, to start flying, run the Manager utility DSP27Feb2023.exe.

The use of the 160 Manager is particularly user-friendly. In the displayed panels, you choose a version of the EAW.exe, a theatre to fly in, and a plane set to fly. ("three clicks")

The lists of theatres is mostly self-explanatory. You may recognise some of the great EAW addons such as Finland, Spain, Iraq, and South Pacific (SPAW). There are at present 87 plane-sets available. The panel on the right displays the composition of your chosen planeset. Flick through a few different planesets and see the various aircraft you can fly.

As to the choice of exe, it depends whether you want the old original EAW type flight map, or the new type of map. Your choice. Have a look at both. Don't choose an "MPO" exe if you're not intending to fly on-line (this session!). Other than that, chose the exe which is most up to date. That will have any new enhamcements to the game included. We want you to have the best experience 160 can offer!

Having made your choices, then click on "Launch" and you are in the game.


If you get a "runtime error" message when you try to run the Manager DSP27Feb2023.exe or any of the other utilities then check this link:

Runtime files

Latest exe updates - expansion of night radar feature

This is the download to the latest exes with night radar: ... sp=sharing

Running the downloaded installer in the UAW160 root folder will add the three new exes (old map version, new map version, and online multiplay version) to the 160 "EAW Versions" folder, and these will now be selectable in the Manager. Load and run a "night" mission. You won't need carrot juice with the UAW night radar system!

Furher setup information:

Changing screen size and more - basic configuration changes in EAW
see viewtopic.php?f=1&t=6204

Code Group keys in the eaw.ini file
see viewtopic.php?f=1&t=6210

Fine tuning UAW 1.6
see viewtopic.php?f=1&t=6205

What if you want to create or edit a planeset?
see viewtopic.php?f=1&t=6186

What if you want to fly on-line with others?
see viewtopic.php?f=1&t=6188

;) Jel
Last edited by Jel on Thu Sep 21, 2023 11:47 am, edited 1 time in total.