Terrain,Tile map,Height map

Shreck's and Rotton50's "what if" scenario
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Terrain,Tile map,Height map

Post by Shreck »

this is my current Japan terrain,it started life as a combination of SFP1 and default EAW tiles,with which I attempted to wrestle a spring Korea terrain from,it has gone wildly out of control since then,on version 18 I think....anyway,a veteran friend of mine,with much worldly travel,whom happens to be a flightsimmer as well, dubbed it Japan,so it is now Japan :D
I do have other terrains,unreleased/unfinished,including sat imaging in tile form if this fails to impress.
the original tm and hm were aquired from Stratos,and we have written approval to do with as we will on both,while the hm is spot on,the tm is in need of much tidying up...which I am suddenly motivated to do :wink:
my current plan is to FTP a complete,yet unfinished,Japan terrain,tm,and hm to my folder by saturday night/sunday morning
I will provide updates in zipped format weekly until its all spot on.
target placement is not,or should I say,has not,really been "my thing",though I have all the editors and have done small jobs,I just havent devoted as much attention to it as I have 3DZing and skinning,so this area,targets and such could well be a big job!
I will start a seperate thread about TMODs.....
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Post by rotton50 »

That terrain looks good.

Just last month I contected Pobs for help with target placement. As he sends me instructions I'm adding them to a text file so that at some point we can make a tutorial.

Anyhow, I guess this is a good project to get started learning the methods for all that stuff.

Post by Stratos »

I decided not let you release my job, so you will need to start again from scratch... :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:


Post by Stratos »

Now speaking seriously, I'm very happy to see that all my job was not lost! Will love to give a try to the map.

Post by Wudpecker »

Love the terrain, Shreckster.
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Post by Shreck »

uhmm,while digging through various Japan folders in my terrain library...I ran across this...
a hybrid sat image/WoV terrain
It needs more work than the other previously pictured terrain(tile seams and transitions),but could still be tamed in a reasonable amount of time(less than a month)...any interest on this one?
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Post by rotton50 »


Hard to tell. Compared to the other terrain you posted this one looks less detailed or is it just my old eyes at 6 AM? :D

What's the advantage to this type of terrain?

Post by Wudpecker »

Speaking for Shreck (before he can even clear his throat), I worked with him on shoals, reefs, and small islands he did for the The New Midway. Yet to be used.

He manages to combine actual satellite pictures with some hot graphic work. That's what he meant here. He's only put the satellite pics partly together. The graphic work has yet to be done-- you will be surprised at what the Shreckster can do with these.

Since Japan is a series of islands, this will look terrific, I am sure.
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Post by Shreck »

Ray,tthe detail level is the same(256X256),and Woody is correct(thanks wud)in that these are partially sat pics,partially graphical...
having had these terrains in my EAW projects folder for a long time now,in their unfinished state,all I really see with them,is what I DONT like about them,LOL,I think what drove me to post a view of the sat version is the subdued coloring,as my friend says Japan is very...very..VERY green,but I worry the first view above is just,well,....TOO green :roll:
for now however,I will upload the first shown,merely because its closer to completion...maybe I will sneak the second version onto the FTP at a later date.
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Post by rotton50 »


I remember a loooong while back you sent me some pics of the terrain based on satellite imagry and they were outstanding.

It's going to take a while to get all the targets and such in place, especially since I'm completely clueless in that area, so if you want to polish up the terrains, there's no rush.
Iron Mike
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Post by Iron Mike »

Hi Ray, would you like me to look over the maps I sent to ya'll and send you target locations?
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Post by rotton50 »


Absolutey. Thanks
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Post by Shreck »

okay guys,in my folder on the coders FTP,is a zip named- 46tmhmmp.zip ,in it are,LOL,the tm,hm,and in-flight map currently under use....I have NOT included a terrain,as the one in my standalone install is a hybrid,and not quite ready(by any means)so,for now use your favorite,will have the terrain up as soon as.....
BTW,if you cannot FTP the zip,contact me via PM,or email and I will get a copy to you via other means....
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Post by rotton50 »


Would you take a moment to explain the various files. I'm a complete nubee ( newbee?) (noobee?) ( I know it's not nubby) when it comes to terrains.
Iron Mike
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Post by Iron Mike »

Hi Ray, I've found the location of 6 or so military airfields in the Tokyo area and the units stationed there. Will send to you and Shreckie if he wants.
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