2018 - Reload / How to work together on the CHINA scenario

The Japanese invasion of China 1937-39
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Lolo Kramp
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2018 - Reload / How to work together on the CHINA scenario

Post by Lolo Kramp »

Hello Moggy

I can log to the board.

How can we share our works ? is there any files repository (FTP or anything else you prefer) ?

=> 2 things that we need to settle down :

1) Aircraft slot definition
... the 1.28c version that Mr Jelly sent me seems different from what i found here. What is the reference version ?

2) World standards

I'am familiar with 1.28c (1.2) world standards and I've a collection of tools (Mapeditor, etc...)that are compliant.
I have no experience in 1.6 world standards (tilemaps, ...) and have no tool that are compliant.

is there any conversion tools ? Do I need to get the new 1.6 tools and learn how to use it ?

Lolo Kramp
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Re: 2018 - Reload / How to work together on the CHINA scenar

Post by Lolo Kramp »

Ok I managed to connect to the ftp server :f*p://coders@mogggy.org:Jz6Fq5Hv2M@ftp.mogggy.org

But I didnt saw any CHINA folder - Do I miss something ?

Lolo Kramp
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Re: 2018 - Reload / How to work together on the CHINA scenar

Post by Lolo Kramp »

So I created a Lolo directory on the FTP server to store current version of China 1.28c world file

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Re: 2018 - Reload / How to work together on the CHINA scenar

Post by Moggy »

Hello Lolo,

Do you have 1.6 working in any form? If so I can upload a working version of what I have. If not, we can work between 16 and 128C.

Actually the height map has not varied in format so the same file will work in 16 and 128C. I haven't used anything other than an original default tile set, so we swap the tile matrix back and forth between eaw.tm and eaw32.tm, it will contain the same information.

The aircraft slot list I've been working to is Flyright's original save for the Tupolev TB-3 in the V1 slot. There are a few substitute shapes pending proper models being made.

I'm uploading a copy of my original 128C setup. I'll make an amended eaw.tm from the current state of the tile map and upload that.

I've also added the current China targets setup - it's very rough in the new Korea/Japan part of the map as I haven't setup any proper locations yet.
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Re: 2018 - Reload / How to work together on the CHINA scenar

Post by Moggy »

Further to above. I have had a look at the terrific height map you've done. It is slightly out of alignment with the new Korea/Japan sections I've put on the tile map. However, to avoid any of the work done being wasted I am going to see if I can bring them into alignment with some crafty bitmap editing. I have moved sections of tile map and height map about before in the Dunkirk theatre, so it ought to be possible!
Lolo Kramp
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Re: 2018 - Reload / How to work together on the CHINA scenar

Post by Lolo Kramp »

Hello Moggy

Moving part of Tilemap and Heightmap is very easy using an image editor like the GIMP (at least in 1.28C format) : I convert these to the Bitmap/image format - do the change - then convert it back to the EAW format.

I can teach you how to and/or do the job.

The real problem is the map projection model which is often not the same : the original elevation data source map and the source map for the tilemap where using different projection model. I had to tweak the elevation map (resize and change proportion). I've nearly fixed that I think - It's not so bad in the current version.

Concerning EAW world standard I have 1.28C and different V160s version installed : I suppose you are speaking about V160 when you talk about V1.6 ?

Can you point me to the V1.6 Tilemap and target edition tools ? Where can I find them ?

Lolo Kramp
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Re: 2018 - Reload / How to work together on the CHINA scenar

Post by Lolo Kramp »

Regarding aircraft slots I have 2 request ( :wink: for the moment) :

Chinese D510C (we have one)


Japanese E8N1 Dave floatplane (I'll do one)


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Re: 2018 - Reload / How to work together on the CHINA scenar

Post by Moggy »

Hello Lolo,

I am trying to fix some glitches in the original China target layout done in 2003. This was before Mr. Jelly's great editors and done by hex editing the target files. During that manual editing some problems seems to have crept in the point that I can't get the TargetEditor now to resolve them, so I am having to cut and paste the target locations into a new default targets.dat may take a little while.

Once I've done that I will try and align the tile map and height map.

If we can work in 160 that would be good. There is a 2013 version of the tile editor which works with eaw32.dat I can setup a download for you. As to target editing I am using Jelly's TargEditTM2_2012SV32 which works with 160. Not sure of there is a more recent version.

Regarding aircraft, we don't have to stick with one planeset. The good thing about 160 is that we can offer two or even more planesets with variant aircraft choice. Would love to get Flyright's D510 in. Fairly certain we have a "Dave" somewhere, probabaly made by Ray Otton. Other possibilities for a variant planeset would be the Peashooter. I think we have one of them somewhere, and the Gladiator.
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Re: 2018 - Reload / How to work together on the CHINA scenar

Post by Moggy »

Okay, I've sorted out the target editing, and can get the scenario into Jelly's editors okay, so I am loading in new locations for Korea/Japan/Islands. These are only approximate, and can be finalised once the tile and height map are finalised.

See new thread regarding plane sets.
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Re: 2018 - Reload / How to work together on the CHINA scenar

Post by rotton50 »

Guys, I just saw this post, sorry.

Few things.

Indeed there is a new P-26 available. In fact. if you peruse the DAW and SPAW inventories I think you will find a number of much better, upgraded models that would fit. Some might need country insignia changes, such as the D510 but that takes very little effort.

There is no "Dave" in the mix but it wouldn't be a problem to fashion one.

Also, I did a little preliminary research into foreign aircraft in Japanese use and found that we have a number of models that would fit with a simple insignia change or some minor 3dz editing:

Hudson = Type L0 with insignia change.
Seversky 2PA = A8V-1 Type S two seat fighter using the P-35 / P-41 as a base.
Vought 143 = AXV Type V Intercetor using the P-66 as a base
Boeing Model 100 = AXB Type B carrier fighter using An4 from new SPAW as a base.
He112 = AXDHe Type He using the He112 as a base.

As I said, there are some others already in the new SPAW mix, like the AXD, A7He, AXH and AN4.

Lastly, I've about finished the floatplane project and I'm looking for a new one. I'd be happy to get involved with the target editing. Don't forget I have extensive experience in this area after doing the European Theater target upgrade. I know a lot of short cuts to making this rather tedious process go faster. I've also got notes somewhere on distances to place objects relative to each other. I'd be happy to share that info if you feel it would help.

If you've got it under control. no problem. I can still add the missing aircraft for you and then go on to a Korean aircraft project that I started a million years ago but stopped because we didn't have the terrain.
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Re: 2018 - Reload / How to work together on the CHINA scenar

Post by Moggy »

Hello Ray,

Having three plane sets, I'm sure we can get in those oddities and variants.

Once I have the targets in the right locations it would be a blessing to have assistance with the local layout.

Main thing is I need to get the tile map finished and tied in with Lolo's height map.
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Re: 2018 - Reload / How to work together on the CHINA scenar

Post by rotton50 »

OK, Moggy, I'll stand by to assist.

One of the nice things about the latest editor is that it makes individual target files which can be used two ways.

One way is to copy to other targets. You can then go into the new target and move a few things around to give it a different feel but you don't have to start from scratch each time.

The other thing is that more than one person can work on the individual targets and then they can be shared around.
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Re: 2018 - Reload / How to work together on the CHINA scenar

Post by Moggy »

That is a blessing.

I'll get a copy of current files prepared so you can see what we have.
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