New Midway B17 available for testing

To upgrade the 2001 Midway addon
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New Midway B17 available for testing

Post by Moggy »

I have uploaded Kurt's new hi-res B17 model and skin to the Midway aircraft folder. This includes the revised cockpit with Pobs bombsight panel, and the working wingview props, and the edited exe.

Please download it, drop it into your Midway setup and give it a go and let us have some feedback.

Please don't distribute these files beyond the group.
Last edited by Moggy on Fri Jan 19, 2007 1:51 pm, edited 2 times in total.

Once again, congrats

Post by Wudpecker »

--on proving your Aircraft Mechanic rating.
Posted on Erk's mess.
Will try download from FTP lockbox.

Errr---that's Flight Mechanic

Post by Wudpecker »

Sorry, sir.

Post by DeanH »

Loaded and Flown Sir Moggy!

Not in Midway, mind. Because I don't have it here. But in standard ETO setup, using the included midway.exe.

It flew well, looked BRILL!!! Highest congrats to Kurt and Yourself, and whomever else helped!!! S!

I swear it was flying just like a Sp2! Quite a buzz to be closing on the tail of a Ju88 only to have your wingman in HIS B17 cut across in front of you and put a hail of tracers into the rear of it!! Then flip onto it's back and pull a negative G inverted climb!!! WooHoo!!! :D :shock: :D

Seriously though, what info do you need from me Moggy?

Cockpit was compiled 'correctly' on screen. No frame drop that I noticed.
Loadout was Sp2 so no bombs.
Couldn't 'guess' bombsite view?

Hmmm, I DIDN'T try to land her, that could be a buzzzz!!

EDIT: Oh, forgot to mention, props in c/pit wingview were solid (not tra).
(have screeny if needed)

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Post by Moggy »

Hello Dean,

Good to hear from you. Thanks for giving the B17 a run.

Bit worrying about the lack of transparent props in the wingview. I'll check it again this end. It may be that not flying it in the Midway setup is the answer. That's of course why you're not getting the right guns/bombs/FM setup :lol:

The bombsight panel should be on the floor of the cockit (just look directly down).

Two other things - have you updated your email address in your profile at The Gen and - are you still available for those CAW screens?

Post by DeanH »

Hi Moggy,
Cheers mate. Yes the campaign proper could well be reason for the 'excellent' flying characteristics! :)

Will remember to 'look down' next mission! lol

mail Address is unchanged, as yet. However, this mornings effort of 88 to 1 legit emails is ever pushing for a change, I'm afraid.

Screens for CAW, indeed. I have allowed myself to be distracted into a series of Bf109G-2's of late. But the screens are always on my mind.
Will, perhaps, re-ignite the wick on that one soon, eh?


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Post by Moggy »

Hello Dean,

Glad to hear about those screens. I did make a temporary mainscreen out of your posted picture, which is with the latest CAW downloads. CAW will brew over the next few months or so no great hurry as yet.

For the Midway B17, it works a great deal better with the revised FM I've just uploaded to the Midway folder, and you can now actually see Pobs bombing window quite clearly :lol:


Post by Wudpecker »

Don't know if these have any value, but they appear to be showing the "low" top turret for B-17's. From the site link to a B-17 bomb group (the 303rd I believe) provided by Raf_Dumo.


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Post by Moggy »

Thanks for those Woody. I've asked Kurt if he can magic up a hi-res B17 skin like the one in the John Ford "Midway" footage, but he is occupied at the moment with Zeros, so hopefully we'll see that in due course.

Post by Anthony »

let us know if Kurt wants/needs more shots of the B-17s.

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Post by FlyRight »

Hi Peter I still don't have access to the Midway stuff, can you send me a zip of the flyable HR B17 instead??? appreciate it.
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Post by Moggy »

Will do that ASAP.

B-17 Version 2

Post by Wudpecker »

Hope I have the right thread for testing of your latest B-17 model, version 2.
Copied entire download into the main program containing the last B-17 model. Results:

1. Performs well. All props properly (so to speak) start and rotate as they should: the same direction, as determined by SiqHQ Forum, etc. Props are still paper-thin, without substance from the side, but look excellent from front or rear.

Take-off is good, whether autopilot or manual start.
(Unexpected mishaps add excitement. Sometimes aircraft smash into the hanger next to the runway, or there is a fire for no apparent reason there).
Bombing "slot" in floor still useful. Instruments are all good.

2. Love the addition of "shooters" in left and right side openings, and tail gunner. They add greatly. Notice the tires have tread, too!

3. Top turret gun still should point backward, IMO.

4. Speeds still show up wrong on my machine. 122 mph is a common airspeed for AI craft.

5. Strong moire' (striping) effect on the skin in my video card: Radeon All-in-Wonder.

6. Rebel flight now extends to more members of the formation who drop bombs and RTB (return to base). Hopefully, those who fly the sim will ALT-N and jump to target shortly after take-off before losing their entire formation.
7. When the entire formation is present, they truly make a flying fortress against enemy fighters. Typical that only one Zero survives and turns for home.

All in all, it's a great looking and flying aircraft.

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Post by FlyRight »

Thanks Peter I just installed this but I'm missing a file thats causing it to crash to DT...asking for Psp2aBEX.tpc??? Borrowed one from another HiRes but refused to run again.
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