Well then,this is the thread for you!!!!
Why not become an EAW modder?
We (the SEAWC) are a tiny band of volunteers whom spend most of our off-time making new mods for EAW,we do this gratis,we do it for fun,and sometimes we do it for the challenge!
heres some of the various things I am doing......
the nearly completed KAW(Korean Air War)terrain,this mod still needs a "heigth matrix(EAW16.TM)" and many new TMODs(including placement of TMODs),not to mention some quality missions written for it......
so,Koreas "not" your thing eh?
well then,how about.............
D-Day/Operation:Overlord,very little has been done on this mod,we hope to include either flyable gliders,or perhaps transport/tow planes(or both!)and as near to proper terrain,and TMODs as we can get,again,this mod requires some quality missions as well!
so,editing historical missions isnt your "thing" either?
okay then,how about....
TMODs(EAW's term for ground objects)we have many,but NOT NEARLY ENOUGH!!!
and no-one said they have to be historically correct,or even factual!!!!
still "not your thing"?
(pissy b@stards aint ya?

Okay,so in this modern time,where we have access to HR satellite images,there is NO EARTHLY REASON,that some of you might not "enjoy" making new super resolution terrains for EAW...I know I love doing it...care to join in the fun????
this is one I made today,just to post in this thread!!!!UHR Belgium!!!(for Dumo!)
well,come on,someones got to have the interest,those of you brave enough to "take a chance" will find that we are a very helpful bunch,but we could certainly use more help...
do you want to build HR aircraft? we have the masters,and they are very nice folks whom will surely lend you their experience,knowledgable and interested in EXE work?know some code?we could definately use your help too!!!!
Volunteers sign up here,and your guides will help you in your training......!
take a chance,you have nothing to lose but time!!!
S! to all...............Shreck