"Sighted Main Body"

The Battles at Midway Island 3rd-6th June 1942

Individual Upgrades

All upgrades will be included within the main download archives.

These are the downloads for those who just need the individual upgrades

(1) PBY with visible ordnance

I have now managed to add the hardpoints to the PBY and the single "jury rigged" torpedo is now visible for those 3rd June missions. The alternative bomb load is also now visible.


The package include new PBY 3dz files, new .flt file and a new loadout file.

Download PBY (9 kb) here


(2) B26A with visible ordnance

I have now also added the hardpoint to the B26A and the single "jury rigged" torpedo is now visible on that aircraft for the 3rd June missions.

The package include a new B26A 3dz file, and a new loadout file.

Download B26A (9 kb) here


(3) Fixed Aircraft Shadows

I have finally fixed the aircraft shadow files thanks to Geo's idea of using elements with fixed single colours.

Download the Shadow files (38 kb) here

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