Moggy's Notes
3dz codes - Making things change in EAW models
EAW allows for visible changes in 3d models via a series of codes attached to the relevant elements in the 3dz file. These codes work by allowing the element to be drawn if one situation applies, and not allowing the element to be drawn if another situation applies. Take for example the situation whereby once your wings have taken a certain level of damage, they fall off your plane. I know, it doesn't happen to you. To me it happens a lot!
Here is part of a converter text dump which includes three elements prefaced by the codes which denote a detachable wing:
E056= 5 3 84 154 137 32 188 140 30
188 99 0 86 255
E057= 5 3 84 154 137 30 188 99 79 161 99 0 86 255
E058= 148 0 5 4 87 86 20 86 86 38 93 183 38 94 183 34 0 121 255
E059= 148 0 5 3 86 86 38 90 86 68 92 183 54 0 125 255
E060= 148 0 5 3 86 86 38 92 183 54 93 183 38 0 125 255
EAW manages this situation by giving every element within the detachable part of the wing a code - "148" - actually "148 1" in the main aircraft models. This means the wing will be visible untill the damage points accumulate to a critical number. When that critical number is reached the 148 code in effect switches off those wing elements and the wing disappears from your plane. Where does it go? In that plane slot there are also detachable wing models L.3dz and R.3dz for your right and left wings. The elements in these models are coded "148 0". This means they begin invisible. These elements are not drawn until the critical damage level is reached. When it is, these elements are switched on, the torn off wing becomes visible (at the instant the wing on your plane disappears) and begins its fall to earth.
EAW manages many situations like this - props still or rotating, wheels up or down, pilot alive and well or injured. This is the list of codes I put together with the help of the SimHQ EAW forum:
136 - 139 (0-1) used to show
changes in weapons stations during firing of ordnance (rockets in
140 - 143 (0-2) used for propellor blades, still (single blades),
software rendering PAW type lines, or full 3d turning (triangular
[144 appears to have been intended to be used for paste-on gun
packs, but not actually used]
145 (0-1) used for central fuselage undercarriage elements (wheels
and doors) extended or retracted
146 (0-1) used to show pilot uninjured or injured (used for both
pilot and shattered glass in cockpit canopy)
147 (0-3) cycles through engine exhaust panels when engine on.
Only used in the V1 slot
148 - 149 (0-1) used for the tear-off left and right wing
elements undamaged or damaged and etched
[150 appears to have intended to be used in PAW for moveable
elevators, but not actually used]
151 - 152 (0-1) used for left and right wing undervarriage
elements (wheels and doors) extended or retracted
153 (0-17) used in the B17 and B24 slots for the random sequence
nose art panels
Note that codes 153-158 were used in the EAW demo to create gunflashes. Unfortunately these were left out of the final build.
The useful thing about these codes is that you can use them for other purposes. Cockpit covers which and close when the engine starts, landing lights which go on when the wheels are lowered and off when they are raised and so on.
The Firm's Defiant uses the undercarriage codes also to retract the turret fairing, lower the rear radio mast, and turn off the landing lights
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