RAF Chattenden
Moggy's EAW webpage
This website contains expansions and addons for the WWII flight simulator European Air War which was originally produced by Microprose
The Gen
The RAF Chattenden Discussion Board
Home of the EAW Code Group The EAW Code Group has been working now for nearly 20 years to improve and expand the game "The Erk's Mess" - The Gen's public board is a place to discuss and get help for EAW 1.2 (including GOG and Steam versions) and to get setup
with the latest EAW version 1.6 1.6 is a huge improvement on 1.2, both in the offline and on-line multiplayer game, with many added theatres and planes Moggy's Midway, Dunkirk, and London
Blitz (Beta) scenarios for EAW 1.2 Moggy's Iraq:1941 - a work in progress
and DOM's Attack in the West 1940 Campaign for EAW 1.2 Moggy's Menumusic and Mosquito cockpits
and addons For Historical Interest: Moggy's technical notes on editing EAW
aircraft and files (Most of these techniques have been superceded by Mr. Jelly's editors - for which many thanks!) My father on the left was the real
Moggy. My Uncle Ted is on the right. See their real war stories